Disabled Students Program is committed to ensuring academic integrity as outlined for the campus at large in the student code of conduct.
As a student registered with the Disabled Students Program (DSP) and approved for exam accommodations, you must adhere to University policy regarding academic integrity.
DSP test proctors are required to report any incidents of academic dishonesty (suspected or otherwise) including cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, furnishing false information, and misuse of course materials. Incidents will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and faculty with a detailed description of the incident.
Here are a few examples of academic dishonesty:
- Copying from another person's test or sharing your own work with another
examinee - Offering another person's work as your own, such as having your test taken by
someone else - Possessing or using unauthorized materials, prepared notes or answers keys
during a test - Stealing or attempting to steal a test booklet or answer key
- Leaving the room with scratch paper, if not permitted by faculty
- Leaving for an unexplained or unexcused reason for any length of time
Ways to avoid incidents of cheating:
- Leave your smartphones, coats, hats, books and notebooks, purses, backpacks, and all other personal belongings with the proctor prior to the start of the exam. No extra materials or equipment may be used during the exam unless specified in the exam instructions or by the instructor prior to the exam (i.e. lap top, calculator, spell checker, etc.)
- Never sit in close proximity to another student. This will discourage anyone from being tempted to look at another person’s exam. If possible, sit at the opposite sides of the room with the proctor seated in between.
- Under no circumstances is a student permitted to leave the assigned Testing Center room with their exam unless it is to turn it in at the reception area upon completion and sign out.
Please take a moment to review UCSB’s policy on Academic Dishonesty.
Students when taking exams:
Make certain you take your photo ID to every exam. You may be asked to show it if (and only if) this is asked of all students in the class.
Once you arrive at the test location, you must begin your exam. You MAY NOT use exam time to study.
Do not attempt to communicate with other students during the exam. Whispering, talking, writing or any form of communication with other students during an exam is not permitted.
Remain in your chair until you finish the exam, unless you are given permission to leave the room by the proctor, TA or professor.
Restroom use will require you to give your testing materials to the proctor and they will be given back upon your return. Please be advised that the proctor will note when you leave and return.
No food or beverages are allowed (unless documented medical conditions necessitate it).
Students may not take a break to study or smoke during an exam.
Stop all work when time has been called.
Exams and approved DSP equipment (laptops, calculators, etc.) must be handed back over to the proctor when time is called. The proctor will turn in all examination materials (exam, scantron, scratch paper).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the exam, write them on the back of the blue book or a scrap paper.
Revised December 2021