How Do I Report Campus Accessibility Issues?
It is fair to say that despite our best efforts, a problem may occur with the provision of services at DSP, the UCSB Testing Center, University Owned Housing, or regarding access barriers to buildings, services, or programs. Experience has shown us that many times a problem arises because of a misunderstanding or miscommunication and clarification can be a quick and effective solution. We can help with suggestions on how to resolve problems. It is usually best to discuss the issue with the person involved first, and if it cannot be resolved at that level, then complete the "Resolve a Grievance Form" with the link provided below.
The American with Disabilities Act requires the University to adopt and publish procedures to resolve problems regarding access to the educational program for persons with disabilities. An individual who believes he or she has been discriminated against on the basis of disability can exercise any of the following options.
The following resolution options are available to all students:
- Complete the Resolve a Grievance Form (Please Note: A paper form can be provided at our office 2120 Student Resource Building). You will be contacted by a staff member from the appropriate campus department to schedule a meeting.
Submit a UC Incident Reporting Form for Harassment and Discrimination under the UCOP Anti-Discrimination Policy.
Seek resolution through the Office of Civil Rights of the Federal Department of Education. The OCR office for California is located in San Francisco (415)486-5555.
Seek resolution through private legal means.
The University is available to assist you in resolving conflicts by informal means. Students may engage in any of the options above at any time. Throughout any of these procedures you can expect to be treated with respect, receive a timely response, not suffer any form of retaliation, and have your concerns dealt with in a confidential manner if so requested. The University expects students to identify problems early, give clear and detailed information, and be respectful of staff, time, and our processes as we work to resolve concerns.