The Disabled Students Program (DSP) at UCSB exists to ensure the institution has a mechanism for students, staff and faculty to provide equal access to education for students living with disabilities. We organize the campus’ response to the Americans with Disabilities Act, Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1974, and arrange for academic adjustments pursuant to these laws.

All students present current documentation from a qualified provider (medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, MFT, LCSW, Licensed Educational Psychologist, etc.) which states the functional limitations of the condition the student is living with. If these limitations rise to the level of a disability, appropriate accommodations are determined and approved by the DSP Specialist. Each request for accommodation is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, as well as guidelines to activate accommodations each quarter.

Providing accommodations for students with disabilities is a shared responsibility between the student, the Disabled Students Program, and the faculty or academic department. 

Academic Accommodations

These briefing documents are intended for faculty who wish to understand the academic accommodations process legally required under federal and state laws, and UC policy. 

Transforming Culture and Practice: serving students with disabilities at the University of California

Final report by The University of California Systemwide Advisory Workgroup on Students with Disabilities (PDF)

Institutional Responsibility for Providing Exam Accommodations to Students with Disabilities

Student Responsibility

  • Submitting Instructor Letter to Faculty for each course they are enrolled in
  • Submitting a Proctor Request to indicate an intention to use exam accommodations
  • Meeting with faculty before exams (strongly encouraged)

DSP Responsibility

  • Determining and approving reasonable accommodations based on the student's disability(ies)
  • Hiring, training, and providing DSP Test Proctors for each exam

Faculty/Academic Department Responsibility

  • Responding to exam accommodation/proctor-request notifications by scheduling exam accommodations via the DSP Portal
  • Responding to and/or allowing for additional accommodation requests as necessary (peer notetakers, audio recordings, enhanced listening devices, etc.)