What Documentation Do I Need to Provide?

Please have your medical professional fill out the form(s) that most closely relates to your condition. Feel free to upload any documentation you may already have for consideration (e.g., IEP, 504 plan, junior college or other UC accommodation plans, Veteran Disability Rating, standardized testing, visit summary, etc.). 

Submit documentation to DSP by uploading your forms to your DSP portal profile (step-by-step guide below), sending them via fax to 805.893.7127, or dropping them off at our office. If you have questions, please contact us at 805.893.2668 or email us at dsphelp@sa.ucsb.edu.

Download ABI Documentation Form pdf icon

Download Temporary Medical Documentation Form pdf icon

DSP requests that students with acquired brain injuries (ABI) submit any previous documentation that they have which can include neuropsychological evaluations. Students may also have their clinicians fill out and sign the ABI Documentation form as well. If the impact from the brain injury is temporary, students may have their clinicians complete the Temporary Medical Documentation Form instead.

Download ADD/ADHD Documentation Form pdf icon

For students with ADD/ADHD, DSP requests that students submit any previous documentation that they have which can include psycho-educational evaluations. It is recommended that students have their clinicians complete DSP’s ADD/ADHD Documentation form as well.

An assessment for ADD/ADHD must be current. In most cases, this means that a diagnostic evaluation must have been completed within the past three years. For more information about what is needed, please see UC Practices for the Documentation and Accommodation of Students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Practices for Assessment and Accommodation for Students with Attention Deficit Disorder. 
ADD Guidelines pdf icon

Prior to registering for courses, each deaf student who is requesting communication services must submit complete and current disability documentation to determine eligibility for services. Documentation required includes the following:

  • Audiogram results aided and unaided within the past year prior to requesting services accompanied by a report written by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Physician, General Physician or Audiologist.

Download Physician Follow-Up Form  pdf icon

  • Documentation from your treating physician will establish your eligibility for services. Your doctor can send a letter explaining your condition, or you can download the Physician Follow-Up form. 
  • Aptitude
  • Achievement
  • Information Processing

Practices for Assessment and Accommodation for Students with Learning Disabilities

LD Guidelines pdf icon

+ Download Temporary Medical Documentation Form pdf icon

Download Permanent Condition Form pdf icon

Documentation from your treating physician will establish your eligibility for services. Your doctor can send a letter explaining your condition, or you can download the Temporary or Permanent Condition Form as appropriate. 

Download Documentation Form for Psychological (Includes but is not limited to: Generalized Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Schizophrenia) pdf icon

Professionals qualified to provide the documentation include, but are not limited to licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, or other professionals with training and expertise in the diagnosis of mental disorders. The documentation from your treating practitioner must be no more than 6 months old, meaning you must have been seen by him/her in the last 6 months. You may be asked to provide additional documentation.

Please ask your psychiatrist or psychologist to provide comprehensive information. The more information we have, the better we can determine appropriate accommodations and assistance. In most cases, after you submit your documentation, a disabilities specialist will contact you within one week

You have two options for providing us with the appropriate documentation:

Option 1:

Ask your psychiatrist, psychologist, or physician to complete the Documentation Form form for Psychological.

Option 2:

Submit a complete evaluation from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or physician.

The evaluation should include a complete description of the following:

  • Specific DSM 5 TR diagnosis?
  • What were the assessment or evaluation procedures used to make the diagnosis?
  • Is there historical data that is pertinent to the condition?
  • What are the major symptoms of the disorder currently manifested by the student, including duration and level of severity?
  • If medications are currently prescribed, are there any substantial side effects for this individual?
  • What are the current functional limitations imposed by this disorder? Functional limitations refer to the impacts created by the student's symptoms that create barriers to their education. For example, mental health conditions can create functional limitations that result in the following: limited ability to contribute to group work, decreased attention span, difficulty understanding verbal directions, etc. 
  • What is the current prognosis? When did you last see this individual? How frequently is treatment provided?

Practices for Assessment and Accommodation for Students with Psychological Disabilities
Psych Guidelines pdf icon

In addition to the documentation that establishes eligibility for DSP, students seeking the specific accommodation of "Remote Participation as an Accommodation" should consider also having their providers complete or include in a letter the content indicated in the Provider Verification. Provider Verification for RPA.pdf icon

Additionally, DSP will require students requesting this accommodation to provide responses to the Student Supplemental Form for Remote Participation as an Accommodationpdf icon

Another option you may wish to consider is the UC Online Program. This program enables UC students to take the same high-quality courses offered on campus but in an online format. Approval for enrollment should be obtained from your academic advisor to ensure that the course you wish to take satisfies the appropriate graduation requirement you need to fill. Each campus has a unique enrollment deadline for these courses so please contact the corresponding campus' registrar's office for information.

Campus Resources for Documentation

Below are campus resources that are available to assist students in establishing eligibility for DSP services.

  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):
    • If you're not currently in treatment and need support for a psychological condition, you can contact CAPS at 805-893-4411 to schedule an appointment with a psychologist. They can help with referrals for DSP, and there's no cost for all students. Be sure to mention that you need a referral for DSP, and they'll submit it directly to our portal. 
    • CAPS also offers ADHD screenings, but please be aware that these appointments can fill up quickly, especially at the start of each quarter.
  • Social Work Services at Student Health: Student Health Social Workers provide confidential services focused on enhancing and supporting student health and wellness. Appointments can be scheduled with a Social Worker by calling (805) 893-3371. Please let them know you need a DSP referral. These services are provided to students without charge.
  • Student Health Services: If you have university health insurance (SHIP), you can get referrals to providers through Student Health Services. Appointments can be scheduled online.

Uploading Documentation to the DSP Portal

You may upload supporting documentation for your disability to the DSP Portal. Acceptable file types are Microsoft Word documents (*.doc), Text files (*.txt), and Personal Document Files (*.pdf). 

  1. Click on the "Documents" tab at the top of the page.
  2. Click on the “Add new document” button. 
  3. Click on the “Choose File” button to open a file navigation window.
  4. Navigate to the location where your documentation is stored and click on the file name. You will see the file name appear. Please note you may only upload one document at a time.
  5. In the box labeled "Notes” type a brief description of the documentation you are attaching.
  6. Then click the “Upload” button.
Screenshot of Documents tab for uploading docs and pdfs

You will see the name of your document appear in the window at the bottom of the screen once your upload has been completed. Your Specialist will be notified when a new document has been uploaded to your DSP portal profile. Depending on the time of the quarter, it can take up to 10 days for paperwork to be processed and reviewed. Documentation is processed and reviewed in the order in which it was received.