Associated Students has made funding available for a pilot transportation program. Renewal of this program is on a quarter-by-quarter basis and the program is subject to change or termination at any time.
Reimbursement of transportation service (Lyft, Uber, etc.) expenses will be provided for treatment-related travel related to the documented injury or health condition within the Isla Vista/Goleta/Santa Barbara area. Treatment-related travel includes visits to urgent care, hospitals, a doctor or surgeon's office, physical therapy, pharmacies, etc.
Documentation for injuries must include the injury start date and the date when mobility impacts are expected to resolve. Reimbursement will begin on the date of the initial injury, and this can be retroactive. Chronic health conditions may be given permanent status if documentation from a physician confirms an indefinite need for medical treatment.
Transportation for academic activities may be approved if:
- the student lives outside of the range of the Mobility Transportation Program and has a mobility injury that limits the ability to travel to and from campus for class, or
- the student is required to attend an off-campus event for a class (syllabus or note from the instructor must be submitted with receipts) and has a mobility injury that limits the ability to travel to and from the event.
If you need assistance with covering the upfront cost of your rideshares, we recommend looking into the emergency funds options available through the Financial Response Team.
Associated Students funds and sets the conditions for this program. DSP only assists with reviewing students' doctor's notes and confirming with AS that the student is eligible.
Neither temporary injuries (some exceptions apply) nor transportation fall within DSP's legal mandate; DSP must prioritize serving disabled students registered with our program. DSP will attempt to approve students as applications are submitted.
If you require more timely service, please email Associated Students at requisitions@as.ucsb.edu.
How the program works:
- Apply to transportation program here.
- Receive an email from ktalafus@ucsb.edu confirming your eligibility.
- Pay for Lyft/Uber rides and save the receipts.
- Submit receipts and requisition forms to requisitions@as.ucsb.edu at the end of each month.
- Pick up check from the Associated Students Ticket Office two weeks after receipts are submitted to A.S.
- Submit questions directly to Associated Students by emailing requisitions@as.ucsb.edu. DSP does not cut checks or have any information on the status of your reimbursement.
The Associated Students Requisition (Reimbursement) Form is available to download here. Please review the instructions on which fields to fill out in the next section.
Please note the following additional conditions that apply to this reimbursement program:
- There is a monthly limit of $200 in reimbursed rides.
- Receipts should include a date, a time and an origin and destination address.
- Travel should begin and terminate no later than 10:30 pm.
- Receipts must be submitted no later than the last day of the quarter (i.e., Friday of finals week). Receipts submitted for a previous quarter are not eligible for reimbursement.
- Tips are limited to $1 per ride. Tips over this limit will be removed from the reimbursement total.
Please contact requisitions@as.ucsb.edu if you have any additional questions.
Please follow the below instructions when completing the form. A separate form will need to be submitted for each calendar month of receipts.
You are only responsible for completing the following fields. Do not write in any other portion of the form.
- Payable to: [Your name]
- Phone: [Your phone number]
- Date Requested: [Date you are filling this out]
- When given the option to select "purchase order," "check," or "journal entry," select "check."
- Total of the receipts next to "Total Price."